Thursday, October 05, 2006

BLACK BOARD (10----1)


This is a very good Technique to enter the altered state of consciousness.You will start experiencing the inner realms of your consciousness after successfully practicing this technique.It will take you from the outer world to the inner world.And ,once you reach your inner world ,you can use that level of consciousness(also called Alpha Level) to heal yourself physically and mentally.You can make yourself stronger,you can move towards your Goals with more confidence etc.

Sit comfortably with your eyes closed.Imagine as if you are standing in front of a black board .You have chalk in one hand and duster in the other hand.

First ,you write 10 on the blackbord.Now you rub 10 with the duster and write 9 with the help of chalk.

Next ,you rub 9 with the help of duster and write 8 with the help of chalk.

Again,you rub 8 with the help of duster and write 7 with the help of chalk.

Now,you rub 7 with the help of the duster and write 6 with the chalk.

Now,you rub 6 with the help of the duster and write 5 with the chalk.

Now,you rub 4 with the help of the duster and write 3 with the chalk.

Now,you rub 2 with the help of the duster and write 1 with the chalk.

Repeat this exercise two- three times until you feel that you have entered your inner layers from the outer layers of your being.

After,you have completed this process,visualize the number 10 in the middle of your forehead.Visualize it bold and in a colour(e.g.Red,Blue,Green orYellow etc.).Now,change the colours one by one.

Now Visualize the number 9 in middle of your forehead and repeat the same process.

Now,take numbers 8,7,6,5,4,3,2, and 1 one by one and repeat the same exercise.

At the end of this exercise ,you will find yourself centred and will feel as if you have entered your inner self.

LOGIC:According to Tetteriya Upanishad,we are made up of Five Sheaths(PANCHKOSHAs) .These Koshas or Sheaths are:

1)ANNAMAYA KOSHA or our BODY which is strengthened by eating food.
2)PRANAMAYA KOSHA or our AURA which is strengthened by PRANAYAMA.
3)MANOMAYA KOSHA or our MIND which is strengthened by Positive Thoughts.
4)VIGYANMAYA KOSHA or our INTELLECT which is strengthened by gaining knowledge.
5)ANANDMAYA KOSHA or our SOUL which is strengthened by uniting with GOD in the state of Meditation.

So,to reach the inner Sheaths or Koshas this exercise BB(10--!) is very useful.


Mukul Chaudhri

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